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Experience seamless financing through your payment processing.  Leverage your sales for quick, straightforward loans that grow with your business.

Merchant Processing Loans Simplified

Transparent Costs for Merchant Processing Loans



A small, agreed-upon percentage is deducted from daily credit card sales, making repayments as fluid as your business's income.

Daily Sales Alignment

Your repayment adjusts with your sales volume.  Higher sales mean faster repayment, while lower sales ease your cash flow.



No fixed monthly payments.  We align our repayment schedule with the rhythm of your business, ensuring capital is always within reach when you need it.

Enjoy clear, straightforward terms with our merchant processing loans.

No hidden fees, just a simple percentage from your daily transactions.

"Our Merchant Processing Loans Support

Your Business's Natural Cash Flow."

Paying at the Store

IFS Merchant Processing

No Existing Loans

Minimum Program Requirements

  • No bankruptcies (past 3 years)

  • No open tax liens (must be in payment plan)

  • No open judgments

  • Minimum of 15 deposits/customer payments per month (past 3 months)

  • Minimum of $2,500 per month in sales (past 3 months)

  • Credit score over 560

  • Minimum (1) year in business

Existing Loans In Place

Minimum Program Requirements

  • No more than 1 additional loan

  • No open judgments

  • No open tax liens (must be in payment plan)

  • No bankruptcies (past 3 years)

  • Minimum of 15 deposits/customer payments per month (past 3 months)

  • Minimum of $2,500 per month in sales (past 3 months)

  • Credit score over 560

  • Minimum (1) year in business

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(605) 644-5060
Monday – Friday
7 a.m. –  6 p.m.  MST

Let our advisors guide you through the loan process—no expertise needed on your part.

Experts At Your Service.

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