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Access up to $5,000,000 in just two weeks

Long Term Business Loans At Near Bank Rates

"Unlike Banks, We Actually Prefer Working With Small Businesses"

Loans up to 30% of your Gross Annual Sales


$25,000 to $500,000 loans
5-10 year terms.


Fixed monthly principal and interest repayments.


10-minute application, funding within 2 weeks.


Affordable rates,

transparent fees

Signing a Contract

IFS Long Term Loan

Minimum Program Requirements

  • No bankruptcies (past 7 years)

  • Business revenue over $150,000 (most recent year)

  • No open judgments

  • No open tax liens (must be in payment plan)

  • Credit score over 550

  • Must supply 2 years of tax returns (Business)

  • 1 year of tax returns (Personal)

  • Minimum (2) years in business

Existing Loans In Place

Minimum Program Requirements

  • Current on existing loans

  • No open judgments

  • Business revenue over $150,000 (most recent year)

  • No bankruptcies (past 7 years)

  • Credit score over 550

  • Minimum of (1) year profitable in previous (2) years

  • (3) years of taxes completed

  • Minimum (3) years in business

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(605) 644-5060
Monday – Friday
7 a.m. –  6 p.m.  MST

Let our advisors guide you through the loan process—no expertise needed on your part.

Experts At Your Service.

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