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Gain access to a growing credit line where you only pay for what you borrow, for the time you borrow the funds. Our revolving line will give you the flexibilty needed to keep up with your businesses growth, and unexpected costs that you may endure.

How It Works

"Finally, a True Revolving Business Line of Credit: Access Working Capital Whenever You Need It."

A couple at a business meeting

IFS Line of Credit

The program offers a straightforward solution for obtaining working capital with no hidden fees.  Customers only pay for the funds they chose to withdraw.

How Much Does It Cost?

Depending on your approval, you may qualify for rates as low as 1% per month.

Re-payment terms ranging from 6 months to 32 months on every draw

No hidden fees, only pay for what you use over the time you use it. No Pre-Payment penalties, major savings when paid off early. 

How Secure Is My Account Information?



Assigns a trust score based on past behavior.



Protocols for both data in transit and data at rest.



Automatic alerts about suspicious activities.

How Do I Repay?

All of our line of credit programs will set up auto-pay directly with your business account, either weekly or monthly depending on your approval. 

TRUSTe Certified Privacy

Customer’s login credentials are never stored for the accounts they add to qualify, and our partner programs use the highest level of encryption to ensure your information is safe and sound.

Minimum Program Requirements

  • No bankruptcies (past 3 years)

  • No open tax liens (must be in payment plan)

  • No open judgments/defaults

  • Minimum of 5 deposits/customer payments per month (past 3 months)

  • Minimum of $10,000 per month in sales (past 3 months)

  • Credit score over 600

  • Minimum (1) year in business

Existing Loans In Place

Minimum Program Requirements

  • No more than 1 additional loan

  • No open judgments

  • No open tax liens (must be in payment plan)

  • No bankruptcies (past 3 years)

  • Minimum of 15 deposits/customer payments per month (past 3 months)

  • Minimum of $2,500 per month in sales (past 3 months)

  • Credit score over 600

  • Minimum (1) year in business

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(605) 644-5060
Monday – Friday
7 a.m. –  6 p.m.  MST

Let our advisors guide you through the loan process—no expertise needed on your part.

Experts At Your Service.

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